Thursday, September 29, 2016

FDR and "Missy" LeHand.

A book review in the Wall Street Journal on Sept 29, 2016 provides some interesting info on the relationship between FDR and Miss LeHand.   She worked for him thru most of his political life starting in the 1920's till her death just prior to FDR's.  She was his private secretary and spent more time with him than his wife Eleanor.  FDR and Eleanor became "estranged" after his affair with Lucy Mercer became known.  There was no evidence that Missy and Franklin were sexually involved but they were so close that while he was governor of New York, Missy slept  in an adjoining bedroom.  In his will FDR left Missy half of value of his estate, money that otherwise would have gone to his children.   She died before Franklin so the estate was not an issue, but he arranged to have a navy cargo ship named after her-the SS Marguerite LeHand which was launched on March 28, 1945.
(Source:  "FDR's Right Hand" by Alonzo L. Hammy in the WSJ.  Review of book entitled "The Gatekeeper" by Kathryn Smith.  Printed in the Wall Street Journal on 9/29/16.)

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