Sunday, October 10, 2010


It seems it is time for American History teachers to think about spending more time explaining the concept of "federalism" to their classes. At the Richmond, Virginia Tea Party convention held this past week the Attorney General of Virginia-Ken Cuccinelli-made the point at a panel discussion on the Constitution. Cuccinelli has been mentioned as a possible vice president for the republican party in 2012.
As we know the concept of federalism is about the power-sharing between the federal government and the state governments. This combined with those who call themselves "tenthers" seems to suggest that the supremacy of federal law over state law is an active question again, regardless of the outcome of the Civil War in 1865.
(Source: "At tea party rally, Cuccinelli shines among GOP stars" by Bill Bartel of The Virginia Pilot on 10/10/10).

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