In a novel by Steve Martini-Guardian of Lies-the author includes a "note" at the end of the book about Soviet missiles remaining in Cuba after the "crisis" was resolved. It was believed at the time that all the missiles were removed but Martini says "...that there were also approximately 100 battlefield nuclear weapons on the island, each one capable of destroying a good-size city". He reports that even the US government was unaware of their presence and only with the collapse of the Soviet Union did this information become known. Martini suggests that if Kennedy had ordered an invasion of Cuba in 1962 these battlefield weapons might have been used. He describes the weapons as FKR warheads that could be delivered as a cruise missile "with an effective range of a 100 miles". Guantanamo Bay would most likely been a target. Nikita Khrushchev-Soviet premier at the time-was afraid Castro would have used the weapons and in the process drawn the Soviet Union into a nuclear war with the US. Castro had urged NK to "...launch a preemptive strike against the US..." with the thought that the first to strike would win. At the "end" of the crisis JFK wanted an "...on-site verification plan..." with Cuba but it never happened. The US could only use aerial surveillance to look for any remaining missiles.
(This is a novel, but is the "author's note" accurate? I have no way-at present-of knowing).(Source: "Author's Note" page 439 of the HarperCollins Publishers edition. Guardian of Lies by Steve Martini 2009_
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