In a story about the CSS Shenandoah it is noted that General Lee had a need for multilingual officers due to the fact that “a large percentage of the Union Army was made up of foreign mercenaries-some voluntary, but most conscripted by their local governments for large amounts of money…” making them “Mr. Lincoln’s slaves”. It is assumed the southern need involved being able to question captured Union officers who spoke other than English.
(Source: “The Invincible Confederate” by Egon Richard Tausch in Southern Partisan Volume XXVI, Number 3, date unknown. The article refers to the “War between the states” and not the Civil War so the bias here is most likely pro-southern.)
(Source: “The Invincible Confederate” by Egon Richard Tausch in Southern Partisan Volume XXVI, Number 3, date unknown. The article refers to the “War between the states” and not the Civil War so the bias here is most likely pro-southern.)
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