Saturday, October 8, 2022

White Unionist in Civil War

In the Autumn 2022 edition of Civil War Times, a book review, tells us of the mostly forgotten or neglected history of white southerners fighting for the Union in the Civil War.  Obviously opposed to secession, they were not necessarily in favor of ending slavery or black civil rights.  But believed the Union should be saved.  We have always known of he opposition to secession in Virginia that created the state of West Virginia (not easy to ignore the birth of another state), but the degree to which opposition to secession in the southern states has not been explored.  This book reports on three cavalry regiments  that took part in the war fighting for the Union.  The 1st Louisiana Cavalry, the 1st Alabama Cavalry and the 13th Tennessee Cavalry.  The first two of these regiment served along the Mississippi River and the 13th was with General Sherman on his march to the sea.

"...about one in ten White Southerner males remained loyal.  However, when the war ended they choose to remain hidden from public view.  Some even joined Nathan Bedford Forrest's KKK and terrorized black southerners.

The book is True Blue: White Unionists in the Deep South During the Civil War and Reconstruction by Clayton J. Butler.  LSU Press 2022. Book Review in Civil War Times Autumn of 2022. "Dixie Blues" by William John Shepperd.

October 8, 2022.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Political Terms.

 It is good to know some political terms.

Yellow Dog Democrat was mainly used to describe voters in south eastern US and how they would vote.  In the days prior to the civil rights movement, most people in the south would vote democratic, so much so that it was said they would vote for a "yellow dog" rather than a republican or independent. It is said that in South Carolina and Mississippi the democratic party has "yellow dog club".

In 1848 Abraham Lincoln used the term to ridicule democratic presidential candidates who modeled themselves on Andrew Jackson.

"Carolina Dog" allegedly a bred of dog in America only.  Used in 1928 to describe democrats who voted for Herbert Hoover because Al Smith (Dem candidate for President) was a Roman Catholic.

"Boll Weevil".  In the mid to late 20th Century term for conservative southern democrats who while supporting New Deal and Fair Deal were "opposed to de-segregation and civil rights movement.   This group ran a third party candidate in 1948-Strum Thurmond, in 1960 Harry Byrd and in 1968 George Wallace.  Representative Howard W. Smith first used the term in Virginia in 1950's; term became more popular in the 1980's.  A boll weevil is a "pest that was destructive of cotton crops".

In the north the term "Gypsy Moth Republicans" was used to describe moderate republicans in north east and midwest who oppose Ronald Reagan's economic policies.

"Blue Dog Democrats". Democrats who were "centrists or conservatives" on national defense. (Don't know how they fell about civil rights or de-segregation.

Of course there are "RINO" and "DINO"; but they will have to wait for another day.

October 5, 2022.  Politics and 2000 Modern US.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Posse Comitas Act

 The above Act states "federal military forces are generally barred from participation in civilian law enforcement activities".  So defined by the Brennan Center for Justice on April 21, 2022.

This writer believes this act was passed in the aftermath of the Civil War in regard to the use of federal troops to oppose state military actions.

The Insurrection Act of 1792 and 1807 also states, "...grants the President the authority to deploy US military domestically and use it against Americans under certain conditions".  This act was used to suspend the posse comitas act.  

It was used by Eisenhower and Kennedy in regard to school de-segregation.

Used by George Washington and John Adams re "early rebellions against federal authority" (Whiskey Rebellion)

Used by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War (draft riots?) and by Ulysses Grant in the 1870' against the KKK.  Rutherford Hayes and Grover Cleveland used it against labor disputes.

George H. W. Bush used it in response to the civil unrest in Los Angles after white police officers were acquitted of beating Rodney King.

(Source: Wikipedia or Google search)

October 4, 2022

Trucker's strike in Chile in 1972.

 Heather Cox Richardson (in her on-line newsletter on Feb. 11, 2022 ) Reports on the efforts of the CIA that disrupted the government of democratically elected Salvador Allende of Chile in 1972.  The strike in Chile went on for 26 days and "disrupted supply chain" that "weakened the government" of Chile; soon after the government was overthrown by a right-wing military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet.  Allenda died by either his own hand or the military.

Richardson made this comment at the time of a trucker's strike in Canada (seeming to suggest the CIA was involved in the Canada incident.  

October 4, 2022. 1950-1980 Cold War.