"A new study of fluted projectile points indicates early Americans were moving north to Alaska, rather than south from it, as they spread throughout North America". A research team from New Mexico University and Texas A & M University has written about their findings in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences for April 2018. These fluted projectile points get younger as you go north from the Clovis site. This study seems to refute the belief that peoples moved into North America by way of the Ice-Free Corridor.
This information was presented in a short article in the magazine American Archaeology for Summer of 2018. The article was entitled "Fluted Spear Point Study indicates Northward Migration of Early Americans" by Paula Neely.
(If they were moving north rather than south, it seems the question becomes, where were they moving from, or how did the early Americans get to the Americas if not by migration over the land bridge. This is my observation; the article does not deal with that question).