Scott Roeder confessed to killing abortion doctor, Dr. George Tiller, by shooting him in the head. Tiller was ushering a church service at the time. He said he did so to protect the lives of unborn children. A jury in Wichita, Kansas took 37 minutes to convict him of 1st degree murder with a mandatory life sentence with no possiblity of parole for 25 years; Roeder is 51 years old. The defense had tried to get a lesser charge approved by the court-one of manslaughter-but failed. The gun Roeder used was purchased at a pawn shop one week prior to the killing, but has not been found.
(Source: CNN internet site on 1/29/10). I found the same info on a Kerry County Ireland web site on the same date. The site was "Kerryman.i.e").
Interesting Note: Wichita was also the site of a campaign by Carrie Nation. She founded a chapter of the WCTU there called Medicine Lodge. This source notes that she broke up a bar there with a "rock and a pool ball" (I thought she always used an ax). A date was not given.
(Source: "Sighs of relief on the front lines of the abortion battle" by Emmanuella Grinberg of CNN on 1/28/10).